1 About the Cretan Brotherhood

The Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne & Victoria is a community organisation that aims to:

  • Foster, preserve and promote Hellenic and Cretan culture and traditions.
  • Be a hub for services, support, social activity and networking for people of Cretan heritage living in Victoria and their friends.
  • Make a positive contribution to the community, including the local community in Moreland the wider Greek community in Melbourne.  

The club’s activities include:

  • A Dance School in which traditional Cretan dancing is taught to children and youth.    
  • Annual commemoration of the Battle of Crete. An important event in both Cretan and Australian history.  
  • Regular social and cultural activities including commemorations, dances, luncheons and fetes.
  • Provision of the club’s hall and facilities for use by the local community including schools and neighbourhood groups.     

At the Cretan Brotherhood, we are committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment, one that celebrates diversity and promotes respect between all members and patrons, and to the wider community.

2 Purpose

This Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour required of all members and guests of the Cretan Brotherhood, with the aim of:

  • protecting the welfare of all persons affected by its operations and ensuring they are treated respectfully and without discrimination; and
  • providing a happy and positive experience for all who attend and interact with the Cretan Brotherhood.

This code is to be read in conjunction with the Constitution and By-laws of the Cretan Brotherhood.

3 Obligation of Members

All members of the Cretan Brotherhood have a responsibility to provide a safe and respectful environment for all and are obliged to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

4 Rights of Members

Members have a right to:

  • Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by the Cretan Brotherhood, its Board and other members.
  • Socialise in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination.
  • Be informed and actively involved in all club events and offerings.
  • Voice their opinions and suggestions to the Board.   

5 Conduct

Members must:

  • Treat all persons (including every member, guest and staff) fairly, equally and with respect and courtesy at all times, and have proper regard for the dignity, rights and worth of others.
  • Respect the privacy of others and be ethical, fair and honest in all their dealings with other people.
  • Not harass, bully, abuse, threaten, defame or ridicule others, whether physical, verbal or by electronic form or in social media.
  • Not exhibit any uninvited, unwelcomed, or unreciprocated behaviour that offends, insults, humiliates, intimidates, or embarrasses another person.
  • Not discriminate, exclude, demean, or vilify any persons on the grounds of race, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation or disability or any other unlawful grounds.
  • Not use offensive language.
  • Not use or encourage the use of illegal drugs or substances within the premises.
  • Not wilfully destruct property – either to others or the club premises.
  • Take reasonable care in relation to their own individual safety and take reasonable care that their acts do not adversely affect the safety of others involved in the club.
  • Comply with and adhere to reasonable directives and requests of staff and officers of the Cretan Brotherhood.
  • Comply with all applicable laws, including liquor laws and responsible service of alcohol standards.
  • Behave legally, responsibly and conduct themselves in a manner which will not adversely affect the reputation of the Cretan Brotherhood, its events, organisers, participants or sponsors.
  • Not represent or purport to represent the Cretan Brotherhood, or make any commitments, representations or comments to any third parties on behalf of the Cretan Brotherhood, without the appropriate written authorisation of the Board.
  • Not defame or adversely harm the reputation or interests of the Cretan Brotherhood or its members by making false statements, unsubstantiated assertions or speculative commentary that are published or communicated to any third parties, whether by written or spoken word, and by any form of media or means of communication.         

6 Breaches of Code of Conduct

Behaviour that does not adhere to this Code of Conduct by members and guests will not be tolerated.

All members are expected to report inappropriate behaviour or breaches of the Code. Any reports or complaints in respect of a member’s behaviour may be directed to any Board member of the Cretan Brotherhood. The report or complaint will be kept confidential if requested by the complainant.

Reports of inappropriate behaviour and/or breaches of the Code of Conduct by any member, will be investigated, duly considered and an appropriate course of action will be taken by the Board, which may include reprimand, suspension or revocation of membership. Disciplinary actions will be dealt with in accordance with the Cretan Brotherhood’s constitution.

Any member or guest not behaving in accordance with this Code of Conduct at an event of the Cretan Brotherhood may be requested to immediately leave the function by an officer of the Cretan Brotherhood. The member or guest must abide by any such request. 

7 Dance School Conduct

The following additional requirements apply to conduct during Cretan Brotherhood dance classes and performances.

7.1 Students

Student must:

  • Be respectful and courteous to teachers, parents, members and other students at all times.
  • Demonstrate cooperative behaviour in class, listen without interruption and not disrupt others.
  • Respect fellow students, regardless of ability, and strive to create a positive, supportive environment at all times.
  • Not deliberately exclude or ridicule other students for any reason.
  • Serve as a role model to younger students at all times, including appropriate language and behaviour.
  • Honour commitments made to the dance teachers and organisers by attending classes, rehearsals and performances as promised;
  • Switch off or silence their mobile phone and not use it during class.
  • Not post comments on social media, electronic message or chat groups or other media of a derogative nature in regards to any student or teacher.

7.2 Parents, Guardians and Families

Parents, guardian & families must:

  • Demonstrate respect for teachers, students, members and other parents at all times.
  • Respect and follow the advice and direction provided by teachers.
  • Show positivity and support their child’s efforts.
  • Not disrupt dance classes and remain quiet when required or when requested to do so.
  • Ensure siblings are supervised during classes.
  • Take responsibility to read and be up to date with emails, newsletters and communications from the teachers and organisers.

7.3 Teachers and Organisers

Teachers & Organisers must:

  • Be respectful and courteous to parents, members, students and other teachers at all times.
  • Ensure that students are involved in a positive environment where skill-learning and enjoyment are the priority.
  • Ensure that all students are able to participate in learning and enjoyment regardless of ability
  • Have due consideration for varying maturity and ability levels of students when designing class activities.
  • Strive to ensure that all students are provided with performance opportunities compatible with their abilities and attendance.
  • Be supportive of students at all times and refrain from any form of abuse, including discrimination
  • Stress and monitor safety always.
  • Respect a student’s right to privacy, keeping matters concerning the student and their dancing and other matters as requested by the student confidential
  • Display and role model appropriate behaviour among students, including respect for each other, teachers and people from other dance schools.
  • Refrain from promoting personal beliefs and ideals unrelated to dance to students.

8. Adoption of Code of Conduct

We, the undersigned, being the authorised representatives, under the Constitution, for the current directors of the Company, consent to and adopt this Code of Conduct of the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria Limited.

ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Board of Directors on this 20th day of July 2021